[0] => stdClass Object
[] =>'c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] =>
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] => 2
[ShowingInstructions] => See Broker Remarks,Other Showing Instruction,Showing Assist
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] => 1
[ListAgentKey] => a83bdf779f9a8c8ac645481baa399723
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[CarportSpaces] => 0
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2018-01-13
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2018-01-13
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T06:22:08.307Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[0] => Tile
[PhotosCount] => 11
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[0] => Waterfront
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[0] => Entry Level
[1] => Primary Bedroom Upstairs
[ViewYN] => 1
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[0] => Other
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[1] => Fruit Trees
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T06:22:08.307Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -81.5157535
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => Great Project in development , 200 residential houses and a plaza of 50 shops in the best location of Kirkuk, Iraq.
30 houses are completely finished, all the rest are under construction, the value of each house is about 85k resale. The entire project sits on 35000 square meters lot, modern style homes, great location in a very rich oil city. The project ones finished can be sold for ~$17mln.
Project can be sold together as a package with the commercial project MLS#A10400412 for $10MLN.
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[0] => None
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => Baoba Beach Club Resort
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] => Monthly
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Residential Project of 200 houses, 30 completely finished, the rest-under construction. The value of each house is about 85k. Great opportunity!!!
[HeatingYN] => 1
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T06:22:08.307Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 281158369
[MajorChangeType] => New
[ListingContractDate] => 2018-01-13
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] => Residentia
[Appliances] => Array
[0] => Other Equipment/Appliances
[MaintenanceExpense] => 0
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 0
[ListOfficeName] => American Homes Realty Group
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] =>
[LandLeaseAmount] => 0
[CurrentUse] => Array
[0] => Unimproved Multi Family (5+Units)
[1] => Other Usage
[2] => Income (Recreational)
[3] => Other Style
[4] => Check Land Use Plan
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => OUTSIDE of Florida
[Latitude] => 27.6648274
[PropertyType] => Commercial Land
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] => 2
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2019-08-17T13:27:14.099Z
[ListPrice] => 5500000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[0] => Public Road
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 800-913-8384
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] => Kirkuk
[AssociationYN] =>
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 1 Residential
[GrossScheduledIncome] => 17000000
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] => 0
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[Vegetation] => Array
[0] => Other Trees
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] => 0
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] => Other
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => 6390149aa23c25da32830d92ea863365
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] => Best location in Kirkuk, Iraq
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2022-07-15T22:05:53.202Z
[EntryLevel] => 2
[ListAgentFullName] => Dorina Lipovanciuc
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => New Construction
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 800-913-8384
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[0] => Other
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 00000000
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => Cash
[View] => Array
[0] => Ocean View
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] =>
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] => New Construction
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Funding
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Interior Hall
[1] => First Floor Entry
[BathroomsFull] => 2
[WaterfrontYN] => 1
[LotSizeAcres] => 9
[SubdivisionName] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] => 1
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3470198
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[0] => Municipal Water
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[0] => No Approvals
[LotSizeDimensions] => 0x0
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] => 2
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2021-09-07T17:25:59.787Z
[YearBuilt] => 2014
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -81.5157535
[1] => 27.6648274
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] =>
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[0] => Ok To Lease
[1] => No Restrictions
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[0] => Dogs OK
[DaysOnMarket] => 2056
[Country] => Iraq
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[0] => All Amenities
[1] => Common Area
[2] => Other Maintenance Includes
[3] => Pool Service
[UnitNumber] => PH2
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[0] => Other Bldg Incl
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[0] => Bar
[1] => Basketball Court
[2] => Billiard Room
[3] => Barbecue
[4] => Cabana
[5] => Clubhouse-Clubroom
[6] => Other
[7] => Pool
[8] => Tennis Court(s)
[ListOfficeMlsId] => AMHG01
[Inclusions] => Other
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 954-614-4274
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 1
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] =>
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[0] => 1 Space
[1] => Assigned
[2] => None
[PostalCodePlus4] =>
[BathroomsHalf] => 0
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[0] => Other
[SyndicationRemarks] => Great Project in development , 200 residential houses and a plaza of 50 shops in the best location of Kirkuk, Iraq.
30 houses are completely finished, all the rest are under construction, the value of each house is about 85k resale. The entire project sits on 35000 square meters lot, modern style homes, great location in a very rich oil city. The project ones finished can be sold for ~$17mln.
Project can be sold together as a package with the commercial project MLS#A10400412 for $10MLN.
[Heating] => Array
[0] => Other
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 5990 Global Outside US
[MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt] => 14.5889
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Villa Condo
[1] => Other
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3277110
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] =>
[StreetName] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[ListOfficeFax] => 000-000-0000
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Right To Sell
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] =>
[Utilities] => Array
[0] => Other Utilities Available
[1] => Cable Available
[2] => Electricity Available
[3] => Other
[4] => Water Available
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A10400410
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] => 2
[RoomsTotal] => 0
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] => 0
[OriginalListPrice] => 5500000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 1
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m1
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_1
[ShortDescription] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 2
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m2
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_2
[ShortDescription] =>
[2] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 3
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m3
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_3
[ShortDescription] =>
[3] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 4
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[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_4
[ShortDescription] =>
[4] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 5
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m5
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_5
[ShortDescription] =>
[5] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 6
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m6
[MediaURL] =>
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_6
[ShortDescription] =>
[6] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 7
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m7
[MediaURL] =>
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_7
[ShortDescription] =>
[7] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 8
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m8
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_8
[ShortDescription] =>
[8] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 9
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m9
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_9
[ShortDescription] =>
[9] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 10
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m10
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_10
[ShortDescription] =>
[10] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 11
[MediaKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca-m11
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => c907613f08d5d555405720374d1a23ca
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281158369_11
[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] =>
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] => 1
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2014
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T06:22:08.307Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 281158369
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] => East
[LotFeatures] => Array
[0] => City Location
[1] => 5 To Less Than 10 Acre Lot
[2] => Other
[PostalCode] => 5960
[PossibleUse] => Array
[0] => Central Urban
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] => No
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[0] => CBS Construction
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] => Villa Condo
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] => 225
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 377000
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 1 Residential Kirkuk, Iraq, FL 5960
[PrivateRemarks] => Call listing agent for details
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] => 1
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] =>
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[1] => stdClass Object
[] =>'48db5ebbe7439496ab21a37111fa42ad')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] => 41
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] =>
[ShowingInstructions] => Call Listing Agent
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] =>
[ListAgentKey] => 185f369d8f8fb7a332ccb890727153ce
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => CORAL GABLES SEC K PB 8-33 LOT 38 BLK 19 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 100 OR 17232-1982 0696 1 COC 22147-1657 03 2004 1
[CarportSpaces] =>
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2022-01-15
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2022-01-15
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2022-05-06T16:00:34.170Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[PhotosCount] => 2
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[ViewYN] =>
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2022-01-15T10:05:43.750Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -80.261954
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => Recent renovated restaurant with incoming 108,000$ + 3% increase yearly.
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => CORAL GABLES SEC K
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] =>
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Recent renovated restaurant with incoming 108,000$ + 3% increase yearly.
[HeatingYN] =>
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2022-05-06T16:00:34.170Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 365811656
[MajorChangeType] => Price Decrease
[ListingContractDate] => 2022-01-15
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] => 6400
[Appliances] => Array
[MaintenanceExpense] =>
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => Coral Gables Sec K
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 14070
[ListOfficeName] => Keller Williams Capital Realty
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] => 1
[LandLeaseAmount] =>
[CurrentUse] => Array
[0] => Unimproved Business/Commercial
[1] => Other Usage
[2] => Other Style
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => Miami-Dade County
[Latitude] => 25.753004
[PropertyType] => Commercial Land
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] =>
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2022-05-06T15:59:23.627Z
[ListPrice] => 2350000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[0] => Other Road
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 305-662-7325
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] =>
[AssociationYN] =>
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 355
[GrossScheduledIncome] => 0
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => 48db5ebbe7439496ab21a37111fa42ad
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] =>
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[0] => Agent
[Vegetation] => Array
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] => 2500
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] =>
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => 958b5df7b06b6158d995deab0da40c6d
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] =>
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2022-07-16T01:41:34.054Z
[EntryLevel] =>
[ListAgentFullName] => Jian Wu
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 305-662-7325
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 03-41-08-006-1660
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[View] => Array
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] =>
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] =>
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Negotiable
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsFull] =>
[WaterfrontYN] =>
[LotSizeAcres] => 0
[SubdivisionName] => CORAL GABLES SEC K
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] =>
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3353792
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[0] => Other
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[LotSizeDimensions] => 2500x1
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] =>
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2022-05-06T16:00:34.170Z
[YearBuilt] =>
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] =>
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -80.261954
[1] => 25.753004
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] => 2750000
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[DaysOnMarket] => 593
[Country] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[UnitNumber] =>
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[ListOfficeMlsId] => KWCG01
[Inclusions] =>
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 305-542-8519
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 355
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] =>
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[PostalCodePlus4] => 4301
[BathroomsHalf] =>
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[0] => Other
[SyndicationRemarks] => Recent renovated restaurant with incoming 108,000$ + 3% increase yearly.
[Heating] => Array
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 41
[MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt] => 940
[StructureType] => Array
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3353792
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] => 41
[StreetName] => Alcazar Ave
[ListOfficeFax] => 305-667-8879
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Agency
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] => 8
[Utilities] => Array
[0] => Electricity Connected
[1] => Natural Gas Connected
[2] => Natural Gas Available
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A11147181
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] =>
[RoomsTotal] =>
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] =>
[OriginalListPrice] => 2750000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 1
[MediaKey] => 48db5ebbe7439496ab21a37111fa42ad-m1
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[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 365811656_2
[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] => Coral Gables
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] => 1
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2021
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2022-01-15T10:05:43.750Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 365811656
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] =>
[LotFeatures] => Array
[0] => Central Business District
[1] => City Location
[2] => Other Lot Description
[PostalCode] => 33134
[PossibleUse] => Array
[0] => None
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] =>
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] =>
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] =>
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 2500
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 355 Alcazar Ave, Coral Gables FL 33134
[PrivateRemarks] =>
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] => 1
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] =>
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[2] => stdClass Object
[] =>'dcb8968ad700f9e796bc17d08ebe7ba2')
[StreetDirPrefix] => NW
[PublicSurveyRange] => 30
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] =>
[ShowingInstructions] => Call Listing Agent
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] => 56
[CoolingYN] => 1
[ListAgentKey] => a89c761488e3a15f6838ddd0d4a6a1ee
[InsuranceExpense] => 0
[TaxLegalDescription] => WESTEND @ 25TH CONDO UNIT 18 UNDIV 1/28% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 20497-3043 F/A/U 30-3028-027-0180 COC 24084-0131 12 2005 1
[CarportSpaces] =>
[YearEstablished] => 2006
[OnMarketDate] => 2022-05-12
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2022-05-12
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2022-05-19T21:18:05.967Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[0] => Ceramic Floor
[1] => Other
[PhotosCount] => 27
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[ViewYN] =>
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[0] => Central Individual A/C
[1] => Other
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2022-05-19T21:18:05.967Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -80.3388045
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => Well stablished restaurant in Doral for more than 16 years Owners are about to retired. Let your costumer take advantage of this goodwill with and large list regular costumer. license and permits up to date. mezzanine office
Updated equipment ready to operate. large Hood,
1 stove with 6 burner, 3 single stove, 1 three compartment sink , 1 preparation sink,
1 commercial fryer, 1 grill 2 steam table, walking in fridge, 2 freezer 1 regular fridge Central A/C
-------Property for Sale See MLS A11214554--------------
Plenty of parking space Front street off NW 25 Street Doral
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[0] => Owner Provided
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] =>
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] =>
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] => 3
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Well stablished restaurant business for more than 16 years.
[HeatingYN] => 1
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2022-05-19T21:18:05.967Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 369849520
[MajorChangeType] => New
[ListingContractDate] => 2022-05-12
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] => 6200
[Appliances] => Array
[MaintenanceExpense] =>
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] =>
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 8256
[ListOfficeName] => Trust Real Estate Research Center Inc
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] =>
[LandLeaseAmount] =>
[CurrentUse] => Array
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[0] => Business
[1] => Food & Beverage
[2] => Restaurant
[CountyOrParish] => Miami-Dade County
[Latitude] => 25.7976902
[PropertyType] => Business Opportunity
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] =>
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2022-05-25T20:59:44.745Z
[ListPrice] => 250000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] => food
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[0] => City Street
[1] => County Road
[2] => Other Road Frontage
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 786-426-2272
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] =>
[AssociationYN] =>
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 8726
[GrossScheduledIncome] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => dcb8968ad700f9e796bc17d08ebe7ba2
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] =>
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[0] => Agent
[Vegetation] => Array
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] =>
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] =>
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => d846b8142f56caee0c9d75b02d88d828
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] => Waze or Mapquest
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2022-07-18T15:51:51.884Z
[EntryLevel] =>
[ListAgentFullName] => Ana Escoto
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[0] => Metal Roof
[1] => Other
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 786-426-2272
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 35-30-28-027-0180
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => All Cash
[1] => Cash
[View] => Array
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] =>
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] =>
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Funding
[1] => Other
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[0] => Accounting/Legal
[1] => Advertising
[2] => Electricity
[3] => Fuel
[4] => Janitorial Service
[5] => Licenses
[6] => Other
[7] => Payroll
[8] => Phone
[9] => Manager
[10] => Rent
[11] => Trash
[12] => Utilities
[13] => Water/Sewer
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsFull] =>
[WaterfrontYN] =>
[LotSizeAcres] =>
[SubdivisionName] =>
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[0] => Beer/Wine
[1] => City License
[2] => County License
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] =>
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3190429
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[0] => Public
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[LotSizeDimensions] =>
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] =>
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2022-06-06T19:58:04.473Z
[YearBuilt] => 2002
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] => 1
[PropertyAttachedYN] =>
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -80.3388045
[1] => 25.7976902
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] =>
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[DaysOnMarket] => 476
[Country] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[UnitNumber] =>
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[ListOfficeMlsId] => TRRR01
[Inclusions] => Equipment,Furniture/Fixtures,License,Machinery, Business Only,Other Sale Includes, Restroom
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 305-951-3706
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 8726
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] =>
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[0] => Assigned
[1] => Common
[PostalCodePlus4] => 1629
[BathroomsHalf] =>
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[0] => Public Sanitation
[SyndicationRemarks] => Well stablished restaurant in Doral for more than 16 years Owners are about to retired. Let your costumer take advantage of this goodwill with and large list regular costumer. license and permits up to date. mezzanine office
Updated equipment ready to operate. large Hood,
1 stove with 6 burner, 3 single stove, 1 three compartment sink , 1 preparation sink,
1 commercial fryer, 1 grill 2 steam table, walking in fridge, 2 freezer 1 regular fridge Central A/C
-------Property for Sale See MLS A11214554--------------
Plenty of parking space Front street off NW 25 Street Doral
[Heating] => Array
[0] => Central Electric
[1] => Central Gas
[2] => Central Individual A/C
[3] => Exhaust Fan
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 30
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Commercial Condo
[1] => Restaurant
[2] => Shopping Center
[3] => Other
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3190429
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] => 30
[StreetName] => 26th St
[ListOfficeFax] => 000-000-0000
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Right To Sell
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] => 28
[Utilities] => Array
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A11207573
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[0] => Complete Other Protection
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] =>
[RoomsTotal] =>
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] =>
[OriginalListPrice] => 250000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
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[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] => Doral
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] =>
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2021
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2022-05-19T21:18:05.967Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 369849520
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] => Corporation
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] =>
[LotFeatures] => Array
[0] => City Location
[1] => Commercial Park
[2] => Near Airport
[3] => Shopping Center
[PostalCode] => 33172
[PossibleUse] => Array
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] =>
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[0] => Books & Records
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[0] => Brick
[1] => CBS Construction
[2] => Frame
[3] => Metal Construction
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] =>
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] =>
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 0
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[0] => 110 Volts Power
[1] => 200+ Amp Service
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 8726 NW 26th St, Doral FL 33172
[PrivateRemarks] => Call me for more information Easy to show
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] =>
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] =>
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[3] => stdClass Object
[] =>'83033dfdbbbf771527a863bac47d539f')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] =>
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] =>
[ShowingInstructions] => Other Showing Instruction,See Broker Remarks,Showing Assist
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] => 1
[ListAgentKey] => a83bdf779f9a8c8ac645481baa399723
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[CarportSpaces] =>
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2018-01-13
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2018-01-13
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T07:24:08.557Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[0] => Tile
[PhotosCount] => 15
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[0] => Waterfront
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[ViewYN] =>
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[0] => Other
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T07:24:08.557Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -81.5157535
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => Amazing lifetime income opportunity , 1 story Mall with 250 shops ( 10 by 5 meters each shop) + 20 storage units ( 10000 square meters each) in Kirkuk, the richest oil city in Iraq. 80 shops are fully finished and fully rented, producing great income already. The rest of the shops are under construction. The project sits on 16000 square meters lot. Once finished can produce a monthly income of at least of $120,000.00 .
One of a kind opportunity !!! Can also be sold as a package deal with residential project MLS #A10400410 ( 200 houses plus plaza in front with 50 shops) for $10MLN. Call for details!
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] =>
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] =>
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Great Investment Opportunity , 250 shops Mall + 20 huge storage units, located in Kirkuk, Iraq, right in the middle of the city, best location!!!
[HeatingYN] => 1
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T07:24:08.557Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 281159301
[MajorChangeType] => New
[ListingContractDate] => 2018-01-13
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] => Residentia
[Appliances] => Array
[MaintenanceExpense] =>
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] =>
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 0
[ListOfficeName] => American Homes Realty Group
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] =>
[LandLeaseAmount] =>
[CurrentUse] => Array
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[0] => Commercial/Residential Income
[1] => Shopping Center
[CountyOrParish] => OUTSIDE of Florida
[Latitude] => 27.6648274
[PropertyType] => Commercial Sale
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] =>
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2019-07-11T17:38:40.348Z
[ListPrice] => 7200000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[0] => City Street
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 800-913-8384
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] => Kirkuk
[AssociationYN] =>
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 1
[GrossScheduledIncome] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] => Long Term Lease,Month To Month
[ListingKey] => 83033dfdbbbf771527a863bac47d539f
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] =>
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[Vegetation] => Array
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] => 0
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] =>
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => 6390149aa23c25da32830d92ea863365
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] => Best location in Kirkuk, Iraq
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2022-12-23T18:02:10.384Z
[EntryLevel] =>
[ListAgentFullName] => Dorina Lipovanciuc
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => New Construction
[ParkingTotal] => 250
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 800-913-8384
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] =>
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => Other Lease Terms
[1] => Subject To Lease
[2] => Cash
[View] => Array
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] => Industrial
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] => New Construction
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Funding
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] => 1
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] => 1
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsFull] =>
[WaterfrontYN] => 1
[LotSizeAcres] => 16
[SubdivisionName] =>
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] =>
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3470198
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[LotSizeDimensions] =>
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] =>
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2022-12-23T18:01:47.300Z
[YearBuilt] => 2014
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] => 1
[PropertyAttachedYN] =>
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -81.5157535
[1] => 27.6648274
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] =>
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[DaysOnMarket] => 2056
[Country] => Iraq
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[UnitNumber] =>
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[ListOfficeMlsId] => AMHG01
[Inclusions] =>
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 954-614-4274
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 1
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] =>
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[0] => Assigned
[1] => None
[PostalCodePlus4] =>
[BathroomsHalf] =>
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] => 1
[Sewer] => Array
[0] => Other
[SyndicationRemarks] => Amazing lifetime income opportunity , 1 story Mall with 250 shops ( 10 by 5 meters each shop) + 20 storage units ( 10000 square meters each) in Kirkuk, the richest oil city in Iraq. 80 shops are fully finished and fully rented, producing great income already. The rest of the shops are under construction. The project sits on 16000 square meters lot. Once finished can produce a monthly income of at least of $120,000.00 .
One of a kind opportunity !!! Can also be sold as a package deal with residential project MLS #A10400410 ( 200 houses plus plaza in front with 50 shops) for $10MLN. Call for details!
[Heating] => Array
[0] => Other
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 5990 Global Outside US
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Industrial
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3277110
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] =>
[StreetName] => Commercial ,Kirkuk, Iraq
[ListOfficeFax] => 000-000-0000
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Right To Sell
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] =>
[Utilities] => Array
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A10400412
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[0] => Sale
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] =>
[RoomsTotal] =>
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] =>
[OriginalListPrice] => 7200000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
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[ShortDescription] =>
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[Order] => 15
[MediaKey] => 83033dfdbbbf771527a863bac47d539f-m15
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 281159301_15
[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] =>
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] => 1
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2014
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T07:24:08.557Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 281159301
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] =>
[LotFeatures] => Array
[PostalCode] => 5960
[PossibleUse] => Array
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] => No
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] => 1
[MIAMIRE_Style] =>
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] =>
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 400000
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[0] => Electricity
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[0] => Separate Meters
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 1 Commercial ,Kirkuk, Iraq, FL 5960
[PrivateRemarks] => Call listing agent for details
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] => 1
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] =>
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[4] => stdClass Object
[] =>'07e5d23682b71968df069c6b707462b0')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] =>
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] => 2
[ShowingInstructions] => Other Showing Instruction,See Broker Remarks,Showing Assist
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] => 1
[ListAgentKey] => a83bdf779f9a8c8ac645481baa399723
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[CarportSpaces] => 0
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2018-01-13
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2018-01-13
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T08:15:04.380Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[0] => Tile
[PhotosCount] => 26
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[0] => Waterfront
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[0] => Entry Level
[1] => Primary Bedroom Upstairs
[ViewYN] => 1
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[0] => Other
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[1] => Fruit Trees
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T08:09:39.200Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -81.5157535
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => 2 Projects in development : 200 residential houses and a plaza of 50 shops (residential side) + 1 story Mall with 250 shops ( 10 by 5 meters each shop) + 20 storage units ( 10000 square meters each) in Kirkuk, the richest oil city in Iraq. 80 shops are fully finished and fully rented, producing great income already. The rest of the shops are under construction. Commercial project, once finished can produce a monthly income of at least of $120,000.00 . Residential- 30 houses are completely finished, all the rest are under construction, the value of each house is about 85k resale. Ones finished can be sold for ~$17mln. Projects can be sold separately, commercial for $7.2mln and residential $5.5mln
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[0] => None
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => Baoba Beach Club Resort
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] => Monthly
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Residential and Commercial Projects sold as package deal-200 houses and 250 shops mall, located in the heart of Kirkuk, richest oil city in Iraq .
[HeatingYN] => 1
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T08:15:04.380Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 281159361
[MajorChangeType] => Price Increase
[ListingContractDate] => 2018-01-13
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] => Residentia
[Appliances] => Array
[0] => Other Equipment/Appliances
[MaintenanceExpense] => 0
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 0
[ListOfficeName] => American Homes Realty Group
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] =>
[LandLeaseAmount] => 0
[CurrentUse] => Array
[0] => Unimproved Multi Family (5+Units)
[1] => Other Usage
[2] => Income (Recreational)
[3] => Other Style
[4] => Check Land Use Plan
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => OUTSIDE of Florida
[Latitude] => 27.6648274
[PropertyType] => Commercial Land
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] => 2
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2019-08-17T13:27:15.380Z
[ListPrice] => 10000000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[0] => Public Road
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 800-913-8384
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] => Kirkuk
[AssociationYN] =>
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 133
[GrossScheduledIncome] => 25000000
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => 07e5d23682b71968df069c6b707462b0
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] => 0
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[Vegetation] => Array
[0] => Other Trees
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] => 0
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] => Other
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => 6390149aa23c25da32830d92ea863365
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] => Best location in Kirkuk, Iraq
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2022-12-23T18:07:19.227Z
[EntryLevel] => 2
[ListAgentFullName] => Dorina Lipovanciuc
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => New Construction
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 800-913-8384
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[0] => Other
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 00000000
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => Cash
[View] => Array
[0] => Ocean View
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] =>
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] => New Construction
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Funding
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Interior Hall
[1] => First Floor Entry
[BathroomsFull] => 2
[WaterfrontYN] => 1
[LotSizeAcres] => 16
[SubdivisionName] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] => 1
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3470198
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[0] => Municipal Water
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[0] => No Approvals
[LotSizeDimensions] => 0x0
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] => 2
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2022-12-23T18:02:18.713Z
[YearBuilt] => 2014
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -81.5157535
[1] => 27.6648274
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] => 5500000
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[0] => Ok To Lease
[1] => No Restrictions
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[0] => Dogs OK
[DaysOnMarket] => 2056
[Country] => Iraq
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[0] => All Amenities
[1] => Common Area
[2] => Other Maintenance Includes
[3] => Pool Service
[UnitNumber] => PH2
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[0] => Other Bldg Incl
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[0] => Bar
[1] => Basketball Court
[2] => Billiard Room
[3] => Barbecue
[4] => Cabana
[5] => Clubhouse-Clubroom
[6] => Other
[7] => Pool
[8] => Tennis Court(s)
[ListOfficeMlsId] => AMHG01
[Inclusions] => Other
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 954-614-4274
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 133
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] =>
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[0] => Assigned
[1] => None
[PostalCodePlus4] =>
[BathroomsHalf] => 0
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[0] => Other
[SyndicationRemarks] => 2 Projects in development : 200 residential houses and a plaza of 50 shops (residential side) + 1 story Mall with 250 shops ( 10 by 5 meters each shop) + 20 storage units ( 10000 square meters each) in Kirkuk, the richest oil city in Iraq. 80 shops are fully finished and fully rented, producing great income already. The rest of the shops are under construction. Commercial project, once finished can produce a monthly income of at least of $120,000.00 . Residential- 30 houses are completely finished, all the rest are under construction, the value of each house is about 85k resale. Ones finished can be sold for ~$17mln. Projects can be sold separately, commercial for $7.2mln and residential $5.5mln
[Heating] => Array
[0] => Other
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 5990 Global Outside US
[MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt] => 26.5252
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Villa Condo
[1] => Other
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3277110
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] =>
[StreetName] => Kirkuk, Iraq
[ListOfficeFax] => 000-000-0000
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Right To Sell
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] =>
[Utilities] => Array
[0] => Other Utilities Available
[1] => Cable Available
[2] => Electricity Available
[3] => Other
[4] => Water Available
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A10400413
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] => 2
[RoomsTotal] => 0
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] => 0
[OriginalListPrice] => 5500000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
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[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] =>
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] => 1
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2014
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2018-01-13T08:09:39.200Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 281159361
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] => East
[LotFeatures] => Array
[0] => City Location
[1] => 5 To Less Than 10 Acre Lot
[2] => Other
[PostalCode] => 5950
[PossibleUse] => Array
[0] => Central Urban
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] => No
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[0] => CBS Construction
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] => Villa Condo
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] => 225
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 377000
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 133 Kirkuk, Iraq, FL 5950
[PrivateRemarks] => Call listing agent for details
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] => 1
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] =>
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[5] => stdClass Object
[] =>'6d4092ba58adb48c607fc879e21c9e50')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] => 0
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] =>
[ShowingInstructions] => Call Listing Agent
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] =>
[ListAgentKey] => 72d69ef2f16c2bc55a40f2c0225d23b8
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => PB38-95 L95 BK2470-361 LEXINGTON AVE
[CarportSpaces] =>
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2022-12-30
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2022-12-30
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2022-12-31T17:20:44.993Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[PhotosCount] => 8
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[ViewYN] =>
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2022-12-31T17:20:44.993Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] =>
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => Spacious 11+ acre lot in Thomasville with commercial zoning! Situated behind Millstone Manor Subdivision and near Novant Thomasville Hospital, this Office Industrial zoned lot is an ideal spot for office buildings, a new subdivision, or a single family home with land. Schedule your showing for this unique lot with endless possibilities today!
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => N/A
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] =>
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Spacious 11+ acre lot in Thomasville with commercial zoning! This property would be great commercial or residential!
[HeatingYN] =>
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2022-12-30T14:17:54.813Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 377339801
[MajorChangeType] => New
[ListingContractDate] => 2022-12-30
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] =>
[Appliances] => Array
[MaintenanceExpense] =>
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => N/a
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 284880
[ListOfficeName] => Villamar Real Estate & Investments
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] => 1
[LandLeaseAmount] =>
[CurrentUse] => Array
[0] => Residential
[1] => Other Usage
[2] => Recreational
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => OUTSIDE of Florida
[Latitude] =>
[PropertyType] => Land/Boat Docks
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] =>
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2022-12-31T17:21:47.774Z
[ListPrice] => 299900
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 954-478-9657
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] =>
[AssociationYN] =>
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 0
[GrossScheduledIncome] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => 6d4092ba58adb48c607fc879e21c9e50
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => NC
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] =>
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[0] => Agent
[Vegetation] => Array
[0] => Mostly Oaks
[1] => Agriculture
[2] => Wooded
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] =>
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] =>
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => 6d682ebc7c3eba445a669dca9c54f88b
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] => Take US 29 to Santa Fe Circle in Thomasville. Head South and then then Left on Coral Ln until the road ends
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2022-12-31T19:04:37.863Z
[EntryLevel] =>
[ListAgentFullName] => Mildred Martinez Villamar
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 954-478-9657
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[0] => Undeveloped
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 16-325-0-000-0095-0-0-0
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => All Cash
[1] => Conventional
[View] => Array
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] => Residential
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] =>
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsFull] =>
[WaterfrontYN] =>
[LotSizeAcres] => 11.87
[SubdivisionName] => N/A
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] =>
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3169802
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[LotSizeDimensions] =>
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] =>
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2022-12-31T20:00:18.173Z
[YearBuilt] =>
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] =>
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] =>
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[DaysOnMarket] => 243
[Country] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[UnitNumber] =>
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[0] => None
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[ListOfficeMlsId] => VREI01
[Inclusions] =>
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 954-478-9657
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 0
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] =>
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[PostalCodePlus4] =>
[BathroomsHalf] =>
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[SyndicationRemarks] => Spacious 11+ acre lot in Thomasville with commercial zoning! Situated behind Millstone Manor Subdivision and near Novant Thomasville Hospital, this Office Industrial zoned lot is an ideal spot for office buildings, a new subdivision, or a single family home with land. Schedule your showing for this unique lot with endless possibilities today!
[Heating] => Array
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 5960 US not Florida
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Residential
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3169802
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] => 0
[StreetName] => Coral Lane
[ListOfficeFax] =>
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Right To Sell
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] => 0
[Utilities] => Array
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A11320689
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] =>
[RoomsTotal] =>
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] =>
[OriginalListPrice] => 299900
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 1
[MediaKey] => 6d4092ba58adb48c607fc879e21c9e50-m1
[MediaURL] =>
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
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[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
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[Order] => 8
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[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => 6d4092ba58adb48c607fc879e21c9e50
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 377339801_8
[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] =>
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] => 1
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2022
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2022-12-31T17:20:44.993Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 377339801
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] => East
[LotFeatures] => Array
[0] => No Misc/Improvements
[PostalCode] => 27360
[PossibleUse] => Array
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] =>
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] =>
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] =>
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 0
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 0 Coral Lane, NC 27360
[PrivateRemarks] => This property lies at the end of a subdivision and is located near a hospital. It has an office industrial zoning code, but would be greatly suited for a commercial or residential property.
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] => 1
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] =>
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[6] => stdClass Object
[] =>'bd53a04258fa070dd19677ba1c3c77c5')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] => 49
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] => 1
[ShowingInstructions] => Call Listing Agent,Call Listing Office,See Broker Remarks
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] => 1
[ListAgentKey] => 9cdd7f7b484303f4b2e33c298beb06ac
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => MANORS OF INVERRARY XI CONDO UNIT 911
[CarportSpaces] =>
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2019-05-28
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2019-05-28
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2022-02-16T23:04:02.380Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] => 1
[Flooring] => Array
[0] => Other
[PhotosCount] => 15
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[ViewYN] => 1
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[0] => Other
[GarageYN] => 1
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2019-05-28T16:13:54.330Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -80.226251
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED CONDO! NO SHORT SALE OR REO!! no AGE RESTRICTIONS but 2 year rental restriction!! LOW HOA FEES! MANY COMMUNITY AMENITIES. To show property click on show assist, tenant occupied 48hr notice to show only times tenant can show....Saturday or Sunday after 2pm to 4pm. buyer to pay for owners policy.
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[0] => Condo
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => manors of inverrary
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] => Monthly
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Great for investors. Seller to choose closing agent, buyer pays title policy.
[HeatingYN] => 1
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] => 783
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2022-02-16T23:04:02.380Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 323628832
[MajorChangeType] => Price Increase
[ListingContractDate] => 2019-05-28
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] =>
[Appliances] => Array
[0] => Other Equipment/Appliances
[MaintenanceExpense] => 518
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => Manors Of Inverrary
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 1394
[ListOfficeName] => GGH Realty LLC
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] => 191.57
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] => 1
[LandLeaseAmount] => 0
[CurrentUse] => Array
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => Broward County
[Latitude] => 26.175127
[PropertyType] => Residential
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] => 1.5
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2019-11-05T00:27:17.550Z
[ListPrice] => 150000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 305-913-3333
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] =>
[AssociationYN] => 1
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 4174
[GrossScheduledIncome] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => bd53a04258fa070dd19677ba1c3c77c5
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] => 1
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[0] => Agent
[1] => Call Listing Office
[Vegetation] => Array
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] =>
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] => Condominium
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => c4a74560fc2f2a8a637763d57c50e69c
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] =>
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2023-02-16T14:01:12.406Z
[EntryLevel] => 9
[ListAgentFullName] => Samuel Grynbaum
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 305-913-3333
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 494123GG1280
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => All Cash
[1] => Conventional
[View] => Array
[0] => Other View
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] => Condominium
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] => Unknown
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Other
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[BathroomsFull] => 1
[WaterfrontYN] =>
[LotSizeAcres] =>
[SubdivisionName] => MANORS OF INVERRARY
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] => 1
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3363512
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[0] => Other Approvals
[LotSizeDimensions] =>
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] => 15
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2023-02-16T13:58:13.697Z
[YearBuilt] => 1974
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -80.226251
[1] => 26.175127
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] => 140000
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[0] => Other Restrictions
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[0] => Yes
[DaysOnMarket] => 1556
[Country] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[0] => Other Maintenance Includes
[UnitNumber] => 911
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[0] => Other
[ListOfficeMlsId] => GGHR01
[Inclusions] =>
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 786-491-5520
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 4174
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] => 783
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[PostalCodePlus4] => 4563
[BathroomsHalf] => 1
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[SyndicationRemarks] => BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED CONDO! NO SHORT SALE OR REO!! no AGE RESTRICTIONS but 2 year rental restriction!! LOW HOA FEES! MANY COMMUNITY AMENITIES. To show property click on show assist, tenant occupied 48hr notice to show only times tenant can show....Saturday or Sunday after 2pm to 4pm. buyer to pay for owners policy.
[Heating] => Array
[0] => Other
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 3740
[MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt] => 191.5709
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Condo 5+ Stories
[1] => Condo
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3363512
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] => 49
[StreetName] => Inverrary Dr
[ListOfficeFax] => 305-913-3343
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Agency
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] => 23
[Utilities] => Array
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A10680698
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] => 2
[RoomsTotal] => 0
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] => 1
[OriginalListPrice] => 55000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] => Lauderhill
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] => 1
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2017
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2019-05-28T16:13:54.330Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 323628832
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] =>
[LotFeatures] => Array
[PostalCode] => 33319
[PossibleUse] => Array
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] => No
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[0] => Other
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] => Condo 5+ Stories
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] => 518
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 0
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 4174 Inverrary Dr # 911, Lauderhill FL 33319
[PrivateRemarks] => Seller to choose closing agent, buyer pays title policy. Tenant occupied 48 hour notice to show unit only times tenant can show....Saturday or Sunday after 2pm to 4pm!!
Seller acquired this property via tax deed, he has special terms that he uses instead of the far bar for a copy please email listing agent
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] => 1
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] => 783
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[7] => stdClass Object
[] =>'2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] =>
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] => 3
[ShowingInstructions] => Call Listing Agent
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] => 1
[ListAgentKey] => b8ec12a363498760bc7c1d3c900c9929
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => Not applicable
[CarportSpaces] => 0
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2023-02-09
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2023-02-09
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2023-02-13T21:28:01.157Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[0] => Ceramic Floor
[PhotosCount] => 16
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[0] => Entry Level
[1] => Primary Bedroom Ground Level
[ViewYN] => 1
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[0] => Other
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2023-02-13T21:28:01.157Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] =>
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => Modelo 31B , is a 3Bed/2Bath & 2 parking spaces. With amenities for your relaxation and entertainment that come together to positively impact the health and well-being of your family, fun for all ages, without neglecting the fundamental commitment to community responsibility and environmental sustainability. Amenities: Clubhouse, pool, gym, playground, dog park, soccer field, walk/cycle path. For all the common areas and streets of the community, there is underground wiring and an electric current generation system based on photovoltaic panels. Al-Andalus Residences reunites all the elements of a family oriented community, with a privileged location. Close to shopping areas, schools, sports venues and the ideal distance to the beach and downtown San Jose, COSTA RICA.
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[0] => Homeowners
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => Al Andalus
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] => Monthly
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Modelo 31B, is a 3Bed/2Bath & 2 parking spaces. With amenities for your relaxation and entertainment that come together to positively impact your fam.
[HeatingYN] => 1
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2023-02-13T21:28:01.157Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[0] => Dining/Living Room
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 378859367
[MajorChangeType] => New
[ListingContractDate] => 2023-02-09
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] => Not Applicable
[Appliances] => Array
[MaintenanceExpense] =>
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => Al Andalus
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 0
[ListOfficeName] => The Keyes Company
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] => 117.36
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] => 1
[LandLeaseAmount] =>
[CurrentUse] => Array
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => OUTSIDE of Florida
[Latitude] =>
[PropertyType] => Residential
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] => 2
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2023-02-13T21:59:52.526Z
[ListPrice] => 144000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 954-752-0900
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] => Alajuela, Costa Rica
[AssociationYN] => 1
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => FF-136-300 mtrs
[GrossScheduledIncome] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => 2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => NA
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] => 0
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[0] => Agent
[Vegetation] => Array
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] =>
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] =>
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => a8a0f33681889bc4ef0b982beb4bfab8
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] =>
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2023-03-02T18:34:19.783Z
[EntryLevel] =>
[ListAgentFullName] => Martha Martinez
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[0] => Other
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => Under Construction
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 954-752-0900
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => Not applicable 8
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => All Cash
[1] => Conventional
[View] => Array
[0] => Garden
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] => Single Family Residence
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] => Under Construction
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Funding
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => First Floor Entry
[1] => Split Bedroom
[2] => Great Room
[BathroomsFull] => 2
[WaterfrontYN] =>
[LotSizeAcres] =>
[SubdivisionName] => Al Andalus
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[0] => Fenced
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] => 1
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 647822
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[0] => Municipal Water
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[LotSizeDimensions] =>
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] =>
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2023-03-02T17:12:57.887Z
[YearBuilt] => 2024
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] =>
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] =>
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[0] => Other Restrictions
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[0] => Restrictions Or Possible Restrictions
[DaysOnMarket] => 203
[Country] => Costa Rica
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[UnitNumber] =>
[OpenParkingYN] => 1
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[ListOfficeMlsId] => KEYE36
[Inclusions] =>
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 954-851-5056
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 136
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] => 1227
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[0] => Driveway
[PostalCodePlus4] =>
[BathroomsHalf] =>
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[0] => Great Room
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[0] => Public Sewer
[SyndicationRemarks] => Modelo 31B , is a 3Bed/2Bath & 2 parking spaces. With amenities for your relaxation and entertainment that come together to positively impact the health and well-being of your family, fun for all ages, without neglecting the fundamental commitment to community responsibility and environmental sustainability. Amenities: Clubhouse, pool, gym, playground, dog park, soccer field, walk/cycle path. For all the common areas and streets of the community, there is underground wiring and an electric current generation system based on photovoltaic panels. Al-Andalus Residences reunites all the elements of a family oriented community, with a privileged location. Close to shopping areas, schools, sports venues and the ideal distance to the beach and downtown San Jose, COSTA RICA.
[Heating] => Array
[0] => Other
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 5990 Global Outside US
[MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt] => 117.3594
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => R30-No Pool/No Water
[1] => House
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] => 31B
[BuilderModel] => 31B
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 0647822
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] =>
[StreetName] => oeste del intercambio de la Guacima sobre Ruta 27
[ListOfficeFax] => 305-931-9853
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[0] => Patio
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Right To Sell
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] =>
[Utilities] => Array
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A11342584
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[0] => Clubhouse
[1] => Pool
[2] => Exercise Room
[BathroomsTotalInteger] => 2
[RoomsTotal] => 0
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] => 0
[OriginalListPrice] => 144000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_6
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[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_7
[ShortDescription] => Community Pool
[7] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 8
[MediaKey] => 2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553-m8
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[8] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 9
[MediaKey] => 2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553-m9
[MediaURL] =>
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_9
[ShortDescription] => Community Pool
[9] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 10
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_10
[ShortDescription] => Clubhouse
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[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_11
[ShortDescription] => Clubhouse
[11] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 12
[MediaKey] => 2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553-m12
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[ClassName] => Residential
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[Order] => 13
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_14
[ShortDescription] => Playground
[14] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 15
[MediaKey] => 2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553-m15
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_15
[ShortDescription] => Playground
[15] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 16
[MediaKey] => 2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553-m16
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => 2a4c252d65789a129ea6d5577815f553
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 378859367_16
[ShortDescription] => Walk & Cycle paths
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] =>
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] =>
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2023
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2023-02-13T21:28:01.157Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 378859367
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] => 954-851-5056
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] => South
[LotFeatures] => Array
[0] => Less Than 1/4 Acre Lot
[PostalCode] =>
[PossibleUse] => Array
[Furnished] => Unfurnished
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] =>
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[0] => CBS Construction
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[0] => Clubhouse
[1] => Community Pool
[2] => Exercise Room
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] => R30-No Pool/No Water
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] => 228
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 1755
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[0] => Attached
[1] => Two Story
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => FF-136-300 mtrs oeste del intercambio de la Guacima sobre Ruta 27, NA
[PrivateRemarks] => Submit all offers via MLS Offers:
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] =>
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] => 1227
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[0] => No Equipment
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[8] => stdClass Object
[] =>'948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8')
[StreetDirPrefix] => NE
[PublicSurveyRange] => 22
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] => 1
[ShowingInstructions] => Call Listing Agent
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] => 1
[ListAgentKey] => 94bc3b7ee1835c03208f0f6f85840875
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => STAR LAKES ESTS NO 5 CONDO UNIT 532 3RD FL UNDIV 2.6% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS CLERKS FILE 68R-16824 & 69R-20404
[CarportSpaces] => 0
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2023-03-11
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2023-03-11
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2023-03-11T23:49:18.970Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[0] => Vinyl
[PhotosCount] => 4
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] =>
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[0] => Lake
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[ViewYN] => 1
[SeniorCommunityYN] => 1
[Cooling] => Array
[0] => Central Air
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2023-03-11T23:49:18.970Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -80.1945388
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => Spacious 1 bedroom condo overlooking the lake, right in front of elevator. with new high grade vinyl wood flooring, new ac unit, accordion Hurricane Shutters. Community, buyer can be of any age, but one resident needs to be 55+ years of age. Amenities include Common pool, card room and auditorium. Maintenance fee includes water and sewer.
Driving Directions:
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[0] => Condo
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => STAR LAKES
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] => Monthly
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => Bright, spacious updated open concept condo with lake view, close to expressways. Quite street. New flooring and new AC, right in front of elevator.
[HeatingYN] => 1
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] => 850
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2023-03-11T23:49:18.970Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 379791807
[MajorChangeType] => New
[ListingContractDate] => 2023-03-11
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] =>
[Appliances] => Array
[0] => Disposal
[1] => Electric Water Heater
[2] => Electric Range
[3] => Refrigerator
[MaintenanceExpense] =>
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => Star Lakes Estates No 5 C
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 769
[ListOfficeName] => Onyx Realty Group Inc.
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] => 158.82
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] =>
[LandLeaseAmount] =>
[CurrentUse] => Array
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => Miami-Dade County
[Latitude] => 25.9483
[PropertyType] => Residential
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] => 1
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2023-03-11T23:52:36.220Z
[ListPrice] => 135000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 305-757-3335
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] =>
[AssociationYN] => 1
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 18900
[GrossScheduledIncome] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] => 0
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[0] => Agent
[Vegetation] => Array
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] =>
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] => Homeowner Association
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => 980e8bd335bed03b4838d76b542d2696
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] =>
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2023-03-12T08:33:37.700Z
[EntryLevel] => 3
[ListAgentFullName] => Frank Orphe
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 305-757-3335
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 30-22-06-021-0310
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => All Cash
[1] => Conventional
[2] => Will Rent
[View] => Array
[0] => Lake
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] => Condominium
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] => Resale
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Funding
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[0] => Third Floor Entry
[1] => Elevator
[BathroomsFull] => 1
[WaterfrontYN] => 1
[LotSizeAcres] =>
[SubdivisionName] => STAR LAKES ESTATES NO 5 C
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] =>
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3026080
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[0] => 1-2 Weeks Approval
[LotSizeDimensions] =>
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] => 3
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2023-03-12T06:00:41.130Z
[YearBuilt] => 1968
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] =>
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] => 1
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -80.1945388
[1] => 25.9483
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] =>
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[0] => No Lease-1st Year Owned
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[0] => No
[DaysOnMarket] => 173
[Country] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[0] => Common Area
[1] => Elevator
[2] => Insurance
[3] => Manager
[4] => Outside Maintenance
[5] => Parking
[6] => Pool Service
[7] => Recreation Facilities
[8] => Reserve Fund
[9] => Roof Repairs
[10] => Sewer
[11] => Trash Removal
[12] => Water
[UnitNumber] => 532
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[0] => Business Center
[1] => Clubhouse-Clubroom
[2] => Laundry
[3] => Community Room
[4] => Elevator(s)
[5] => Pool
[ListOfficeMlsId] => OXRG01
[Inclusions] => Other
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 954-394-8635
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 18900
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] => 850
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[0] => 1 Space
[PostalCodePlus4] => 3877
[BathroomsHalf] => 0
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[SyndicationRemarks] => Spacious 1 bedroom condo overlooking the lake, right in front of elevator. with new high grade vinyl wood flooring, new ac unit, accordion Hurricane Shutters. Community, buyer can be of any age, but one resident needs to be 55+ years of age. Amenities include Common pool, card room and auditorium. Maintenance fee includes water and sewer.
Driving Directions:
[Heating] => Array
[0] => Central
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 22
[MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt] => 158.8235
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Condo 1-4 Stories
[1] => Condo
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3026080
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] => 22
[StreetName] => 3rd Ct
[ListOfficeFax] => 305-757-1179
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[0] => Patio
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Right To Sell
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] => 22
[Utilities] => Array
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A11355557
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[0] => Complete Accordian Shutters
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] => 1
[RoomsTotal] => 0
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] => 0
[OriginalListPrice] => 135000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 1
[MediaKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8-m1
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 379791807_1
[ShortDescription] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 2
[MediaKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8-m2
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 379791807_2
[ShortDescription] =>
[2] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 3
[MediaKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8-m3
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 379791807_3
[ShortDescription] =>
[3] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 4
[MediaKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8-m4
[MediaURL] =>
[ResourceRecordKey] => 948c38d6332a470cd7252f9a629446d8
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 379791807_4
[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] => Miami
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] =>
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2022
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2023-03-11T23:49:18.970Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 379791807
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] =>
[LotFeatures] => Array
[PostalCode] => 33179
[PossibleUse] => Array
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] =>
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[0] => CBS Construction
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] => Condo 1-4 Stories
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] => 282
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 0
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 18900 NE 3rd Ct # 532, Miami FL 33179
[PrivateRemarks] => Submit all offers via MLS Offers:
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] =>
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] => 850
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
[9] => stdClass Object
[] =>'5810d8beeb4fb05c19dd2ff6cf8ff8f6')
[StreetDirPrefix] =>
[PublicSurveyRange] => 41
[LandLeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[BedroomsTotal] =>
[ShowingInstructions] => Call Listing Agent
[LeaseAssignableYN] =>
[LivingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[CoListAgentDirectPhone] =>
[SeatingCapacity] =>
[CoolingYN] =>
[ListAgentKey] => dbeac7e3d4d7e95ace20ace39a900a83
[InsuranceExpense] =>
[TaxLegalDescription] => PCH08144800003
[CarportSpaces] =>
[YearEstablished] =>
[OnMarketDate] => 2023-04-13
[LotSizeUnits] => Square Feet
[ListAgentEmail] =>
[ContractStatusChangeDate] => 2023-04-13
[ContingentDate] =>
[LaundryFeatures] => Array
[MajorChangeTimestamp] => 2023-04-13T23:16:25.230Z
[LeaseAmountFrequency] =>
[MIAMIRE_SpecialAssessmentYN] =>
[Flooring] => Array
[PhotosCount] => 2
[CoBuyerAgentEmail] =>
[AdditionalParcelsYN] => 1
[WaterfrontFeatures] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[RoomBedroomFeatures] => Array
[ViewYN] =>
[SeniorCommunityYN] =>
[Cooling] => Array
[GarageYN] =>
[ExteriorFeatures] => Array
[CountryRegion] =>
[StatusChangeTimestamp] => 2023-04-13T23:16:25.230Z
[AvailabilityDate] =>
[Longitude] => -82.196555
[SecurityFeatures] => Array
[BuyerAgentFullName] =>
[Skirt] => Array
[DocumentsCount] =>
[CarportYN] =>
[PublicRemarks] => . A rare double lot located in the growing community of South Gulf Cove. Here you not only have access to world class beaches but your house will have access to public water and sewer. This property is priced to sell so it will go quick!
[MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation] => Array
[CancelationDate] =>
[FinancialDataSource] => Array
[TaxExemptions] => Array
[BuildingName] => Port charlotte
[CoBuyerAgentKey] =>
[AssociationFeeFrequency] =>
[CurrentFinancing] => Array
[NumberOfFullTimeEmployees] =>
[MIAMIRE_InternetRemarks] => A rare double lot located in the growing community of South Gulf Cove access to the beaches
[HeatingYN] =>
[CoBuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[OffMarketTimestamp] =>
[ManagerExpense] =>
[CoListOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF] =>
[RoadSurfaceType] => Array
[PriceChangeTimestamp] => 2023-04-13T23:16:25.230Z
[MIAMIRE_MoveInDollars] =>
[RoomDiningRoomFeatures] => Array
[ListingKeyNumeric] => 380913529
[MajorChangeType] => New
[ListingContractDate] => 2023-04-13
[CoListOfficeKey] =>
[Zoning] => Rsf3.5
[Appliances] => Array
[MaintenanceExpense] =>
[ListAOR] => A-Miami Association of REALTORS
[MLSAreaMajor] => Port Charlotte
[MIAMIRE_BuyerCountryofResidence] =>
[TaxAnnualAmount] => 538
[ListOfficeName] => Choice Realty of Miami Inc
[CoBuyerOfficeName] =>
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaximumLeasableSqft] =>
[MIAMIRE_ShowingTimeFlag] => 1
[LandLeaseAmount] =>
[CurrentUse] => Array
[0] => Residential
[1] => Other Usage
[OriginatingSystemKey] => miamire
[BusinessType] => Array
[CountyOrParish] => Charlotte County
[Latitude] => 26.889718
[PropertyType] => Land/Boat Docks
[BathroomsTotalDecimal] =>
[PhotosChangeTimestamp] => 2023-04-13T23:22:48.567Z
[ListPrice] => 70000
[MIAMIRE_TypeofBusiness] =>
[RoadFrontageType] => Array
[OriginatingSystemName] => Miami Association of REALTORS®
[ListOfficePhone] => 305-595-3131
[MIAMIRE_GlobalCity] =>
[AssociationYN] =>
[DOH1] =>
[MlsStatus] => Active
[StreetNumber] => 15485
[GrossScheduledIncome] =>
[CoBuyerOfficeKey] =>
[CoListOfficeMlsId] =>
[LeaseTerm] =>
[ListingKey] => 5810d8beeb4fb05c19dd2ff6cf8ff8f6
[MIAMIRE_SellerContributionsAmt] =>
[StateOrProvince] => FL
[CommonWalls] => Array
[DistanceToSewerComments] =>
[CoveredSpaces] =>
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] =>
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] =>
[ShowingContactType] => Array
[0] => Agent
[Vegetation] => Array
[0] => No Trees
[Gas] => Array
[CoListAgentEmail] =>
[ElementarySchool] =>
[FrontageLength] =>
[MIAMIRE_TypeofGoverningBodies] =>
[StreetDirSuffix] =>
[CoBuyerOfficePhone] =>
[Disclosures] => Array
[ListOfficeKey] => 39e36ac160063364aa969c7f60dd9ad3
[FireplaceYN] =>
[Directions] =>
[BridgeModificationTimestamp] => 2023-04-14T00:58:58.432Z
[EntryLevel] =>
[ListAgentFullName] => Yaleny Rakovsky
[AttachedGarageYN] =>
[StandardStatus] => Active
[Roof] => Array
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[ParkingTotal] =>
[ListAgentOfficePhone] => 305-595-3131
[FrontageType] => Array
[Stories] =>
[DevelopmentStatus] => Array
[0] => Recorded Plat
[GrossIncome] =>
[ParcelNumber] => 10007234845
[PoolPrivateYN] =>
[ListingTerms] => Array
[0] => All Cash
[1] => Cash
[2] => Conventional
[View] => Array
[OperatingExpense] =>
[SignOnPropertyYN] =>
[BuyerAgentStateLicense] =>
[PropertySubType] => Residential
[LeaseRenewalOptionYN] =>
[YearBuiltDetails] =>
[BuyerAgentDirectPhone] =>
[OtherExpense] => 0
[Possession] => Array
[0] => Funding
[HighSchool] =>
[CoListAgentOfficePhone] =>
[LeaseConsideredYN] =>
[HomeWarrantyYN] =>
[Levels] => Array
[MIAMIRE_BuyState] =>
[OperatingExpenseIncludes] => Array
[IDXParticipationYN] => 1
[DistanceToFreewayNumeric] =>
[InteriorFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsFull] =>
[WaterfrontYN] =>
[LotSizeAcres] => 0.47
[SubdivisionName] => Port charlotte
[OffMarketDate] =>
[SpecialLicenses] => Array
[CoBuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[Fencing] => Array
[InternetAddressDisplayYN] => 1
[WithdrawnDate] =>
[MIAMIRE_GuestHouseDescription] => Array
[MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN] =>
[Contingency] =>
[ApprovalStatus] =>
[CloseDate] =>
[StreetSuffix] =>
[ListAgentMlsId] => 3164899
[HorseAmenities] => Array
[ListingService] =>
[Elevation] =>
[WaterSource] => Array
[MIAMIRE_ApprovalInformation] => Array
[LotSizeDimensions] => 160x125
[DoorFeatures] => Array
[StoriesTotal] =>
[ModificationTimestamp] => 2023-04-13T23:22:29.667Z
[YearBuilt] =>
[ElectricOnPropertyYN] =>
[PropertyAttachedYN] =>
[BuyerAgentKey] =>
[TaxLot] => 000
[BusinessName] =>
[BuyerAgentEmail] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseYN] =>
[Coordinates] => Array
[0] => -82.196555
[1] => 26.889718
[CoBuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[OriginatingSystemID] => miamire
[LandLeaseYN] =>
[PreviousListPrice] =>
[MIAMIRE_Restrictions] => Array
[HorseYN] =>
[PetsAllowed] => Array
[DaysOnMarket] => 140
[Country] =>
[MIAMIRE_MaintenanceIncludes] => Array
[UnitNumber] =>
[OpenParkingYN] =>
[NetOperatingIncome] =>
[MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions] =>
[OtherStructures] => Array
[0] => None
[AssociationAmenities] => Array
[ListOfficeMlsId] => CHOR01
[Inclusions] =>
[ClosePrice] =>
[VirtualTourURLZillow] =>
[ListAgentDirectPhone] => 305-972-1134
[CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[CoListAgentFullName] =>
[CoListAgentKey] =>
[PendingTimestamp] =>
[StreetNumberNumeric] => 15485
[EntryLocation] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleMLSNumber] =>
[SpaYN] =>
[SpaFeatures] => Array
[LivingArea] =>
[ExistingLeaseType] => Array
[CoListAgentStateLicense] =>
[ParkingFeatures] => Array
[PostalCodePlus4] =>
[BathroomsHalf] =>
[Supplements] =>
[RoomLivingRoomFeatures] => Array
[PoolFeatures] => Array
[NumberOfUnitsInCommunity] =>
[Sewer] => Array
[SyndicationRemarks] => . A rare double lot located in the growing community of South Gulf Cove. Here you not only have access to world class beaches but your house will have access to public water and sewer. This property is priced to sell so it will go quick!
[Heating] => Array
[MIAMIRE_Area] => 5940 Florida Other
[StructureType] => Array
[0] => Residential
[BuildingAreaSource] =>
[Model] =>
[BuilderModel] =>
[TrashExpense] =>
[TotalActualRent] =>
[ListAgentStateLicense] => 3164899
[CoListAgentMlsId] =>
[PublicSurveyTownship] => 41
[StreetName] => Alsace CIR
[ListOfficeFax] =>
[PatioAndPorchFeatures] => Array
[BuyerOfficePhone] =>
[ListingAgreement] => Exclusive Agency
[RoadResponsibility] => Array
[PublicSurveySection] => 22
[Utilities] => Array
[FireplaceFeatures] => Array
[ListingId] => A11371785
[WindowFeatures] => Array
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[NewConstructionYN] =>
[CommunityFeatures] => Array
[BathroomsTotalInteger] =>
[RoomsTotal] =>
[NumberOfBuildings] =>
[GarageSpaces] =>
[OriginalListPrice] => 70000
[GreenEnergyEfficient] => Array
[Media] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Order] => 1
[MediaKey] => 5810d8beeb4fb05c19dd2ff6cf8ff8f6-m1
[MediaURL] =>
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[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
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[Order] => 2
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[ResourceRecordKey] => 5810d8beeb4fb05c19dd2ff6cf8ff8f6
[ResourceName] => Property
[ClassName] => Residential
[MediaCategory] => Photo
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[MediaObjectID] => 380913529_2
[ShortDescription] =>
[BuildingAreaUnits] => Square Feet
[RentIncludes] => Array
[City] => Other City - In The State Of Florida
[InternetEntireListingDisplayYN] => 1
[BuyerAgentOfficePhone] =>
[InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN] =>
[AccessibilityFeatures] => Array
[TaxYear] => 2022
[BuildingFeatures] => Array
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => 2023-04-13T23:16:25.230Z
[OwnershipType] =>
[SourceSystemKey] => 380913529
[MIAMIRE_AttributionContact] =>
[Ownership] =>
[BuyerAgentMlsId] =>
[DirectionFaces] => East
[LotFeatures] => Array
[0] => Other
[PostalCode] => 33981
[PossibleUse] => Array
[Furnished] =>
[MIAMIRE_OkToAdvertiseList] =>
[BuyerOfficeMlsId] =>
[DocumentsAvailable] => Array
[ConstructionMaterials] => Array
[MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation] => Array
[SuppliesExpense] =>
[ListOfficeURL] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForSaleYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_Style] =>
[NumberOfUnitsTotal] =>
[BuyerOfficeName] =>
[AssociationFee] =>
[LeaseAmount] =>
[LotSizeSquareFeet] => 0
[CoBuyerAgentFullName] =>
[TenantPays] => Array
[BuyerOfficeKey] =>
[MIAMIRE_TotalMoveInDollars] =>
[Electric] => Array
[ArchitecturalStyle] => Array
[NewTaxesExpense] =>
[RoomMasterBathroomFeatures] => Array
[MIAMIRE_MembershipPurchRqdYN] =>
[UnparsedAddress] => 15485 Alsace CIR, Other City - In The State Of Florida FL 33981
[PrivateRemarks] =>
[InternetConsumerCommentYN] =>
[CoListOfficePhone] =>
[MIAMIRE_ForLeaseMLSNumber] =>
[BuildingAreaTotal] =>
[OtherEquipment] => Array
[HabitableResidenceYN] =>
[MIAMIRE_TempOffMarketDate] =>
[FeedTypes] => Array
[0] => IDX
Size Unit: Square Feet
Bedrooms: 2
Date: 2018-01-13
Building Name: Baoba Beach Club Resort
Office Name: American Homes Realty Group
County: OUTSIDE of Florida
Price: 5500000
Street Number: 1 Residential
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType:
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 27.6648274
Longitude: -81.5157535
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Date: 2022-01-15
Office Name: Keller Williams Capital Realty
County: Miami-Dade County
Price: 2350000
Street Number: 355
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType:
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 25.753004
Longitude: -80.261954
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Date: 2022-05-12
Building Name:
Office Name: Trust Real Estate Research Center Inc
County: Miami-Dade County
Price: 250000
Street Number: 8726
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType:
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 25.7976902
Longitude: -80.3388045
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Date: 2018-01-13
Building Name:
Office Name: American Homes Realty Group
County: OUTSIDE of Florida
Price: 7200000
Street Number: 1
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType: Industrial
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 27.6648274
Longitude: -81.5157535
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Bedrooms: 2
Date: 2018-01-13
Building Name: Baoba Beach Club Resort
Office Name: American Homes Realty Group
County: OUTSIDE of Florida
Price: 10000000
Street Number: 133
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType:
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 27.6648274
Longitude: -81.5157535
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Date: 2022-12-30
Building Name: N/A
Office Name: Villamar Real Estate & Investments
County: OUTSIDE of Florida
Price: 299900
Street Number: 0
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType: Residential
Expiration Date:
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Bedrooms: 1
Date: 2019-05-28
Building Name: manors of inverrary
Office Name: GGH Realty LLC
County: Broward County
Price: 150000
Street Number: 4174
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType: Condominium
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 26.175127
Longitude: -80.226251
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Bedrooms: 3
Date: 2023-02-09
Building Name: Al Andalus
Office Name: The Keyes Company
County: OUTSIDE of Florida
Price: 144000
Street Number: FF-136-300 mtrs
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType: Single Family Residence
Expiration Date:
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Bedrooms: 1
Date: 2023-03-11
Building Name: STAR LAKES
Office Name: Onyx Realty Group Inc.
County: Miami-Dade County
Price: 135000
Street Number: 18900
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType: Condominium
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 25.9483
Longitude: -80.1945388
Status: Active
Size Unit: Square Feet
Date: 2023-04-13
Building Name: Port charlotte
Office Name: Choice Realty of Miami Inc
County: Charlotte County
Price: 70000
Street Number: 15485
Virtual Tour: Link
Property SubType: Residential
Expiration Date:
Latitude: 26.889718
Longitude: -82.196555
Status: Active